
May 24th, 2019

General Terms and Conditions:

  1. The acceptance of the booking is based on agreement by the client of the terms and conditions stated herein.
  2. The acceptance of the booking is based on agreement by the client of the terms and conditions stated herein.
  3. PAYMENT: All photography sessions must be paid for in full at the time of booking to secure your session date.
  4. SICKNESS: We understand that children can be unpredictable and fall ill at any time. In the event of sickness prior to the session, the Client agrees to make every possible effort to inform Vihaan Photography no later than 2 hours prior to the start time of the photography session. The session can be transferred to a new date which will be at the convenience of both parties. Vihaan Photography reserves the right to re-schedule outside of this time limit due to any existing commitments. If the Client fails to reschedule within the 2 month time period, Vihaan Photography has the right to cancel the booking with all payments made non-refundable. In the event of the child falling ill during the session, Vihaan Photography reserves the right to postpone the photo shoot and re-schedule at the convenience of both parties.
  5. DELIVERY: All high-resolution images will be delivered via a download link to the Client within 5-6 weeks of the session date.
  6. COPYRIGHT: It is understood that the copyright of all and any photographs belongs to Vihaan Photography. No photographs may be copied or reproduced by any means photographic or otherwise by any person or machine other than by the photographer or his appointed agent. Releasing photographs online by the Client (i.e. Facebook, blog or any other online channels) are prohibited unless the photographer’s company name, Facebook Page and/or Website is tagged or mentioned along with the image.
  7. MODEL RELEASE: The copyright of all photographs is owned by Vihaan Photography. We, the client, give permission to Vihaan Photography to use any image of our photo session for any general marketing and advertising purposes for Vihaan Photography. Vihaan Photography is entitled to use all images produced for i.e. exhibitions, editorials, digital and print marketing incl. social media platforms, publications, educational DVDs and websites, and/or display purposes.
  8. MISC: Although the photographer shall exercise all reasonable skill, care and diligence in the discharge of her/his duties, it is understood that, in the event of any unforeseen circumstances causing loss of photographic record, the photographer will only be responsible for the return of all the money paid to date, although every effort will be made to re-take the photographs.