
We Are Vihaan Photography.

We are Amsterdam based newborn, maternity, weddings and portratits photographer.

Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever… It remembers little things and those emotions, long after you have forgotten everything.
Thanks for taking a moment to stop by and read a few words about me!

Here are list of fun facts about yours truly:

1. I’m a young, energetic, passionate nut who doesn’t sleep very much.

2. I love nearly all things creative

3. I live in Amsterdam Area.

4. I love working out and weightlifting.

5. I am not very politically correct.

6. I also have the short-term memory of a 65-year old. It's just not because I'm getting old.

7. I am huge fan of learning new things in IT.(Information Technology No not a Nerd)

8. I like to cook.

Feel free to use the contact form (in contact button) and let me know what you’re looking for and how I can help you.

A Little About my Photography

I am a huge fan of great photography and there is hardly a thing in life I enjoy more than getting out and photographing a personable and confident individual.

Photographing people of all sorts of life and capturing raw emotion and beauty are to aspects of photography that I love.

I'm just a story teller with beautiful pictures.



From Our Great Clients


General questions regarding Newborn session

Please note the perfect age for a newborn shoot is when your baby is BETWEEN 5 – 15 DAYS OLD from your baby's birth.

During this time, your little one still has the “curl”, which simply means her/his arms and legs still curl up easily. After two week he or she will make a big jump in growth and her/his arms and legs will stretch out more. Also within the first 10 days, your baby falls into this so-called “choma sleep” after being fed. That way we can wrap him/her easily into blankets or move her/his arms and legs around without disturbing her/his too much. They sleep for much longer periods as well. After a few weeks your baby will start to be more active and tries to look around as it is starting to develop her sight more and more. Don’t get me wrong, after 2 weeks you can still get gorgeous images, however, the typical newborn poses most likely won’t be possible. But there are other ways advantages to photographing a slightly older baby and your images will be equally as beautiful.

There are several little things to pay attention such as, please do not feed your little one before you have arrived otherwise she/he will fall asleep before and it might be hard to settle her down again when we are ready to shoot.

So, the best time to photograph your newborn is the time they are most sleepy, the deeper the sleep the better it is as this allows me to pose the angel without disturbing them from their sleep.

Your baby needs to be really well fed just before the session starts. Whether your baby is breast or bottle fed, a full belly makes for a happy baby and most important a sleepy baby!!!

Similarly, please do not dress him/her in anything that needs to be pulled over her head, otherwise she/he will wake up when we try to undress her/him. Babys’ body temperatures drop very quickly when they are undressed, so we need to make sure he/she is warm and cozy. I have a fan heater to keep your precious one warm. So, if your too hot your baby is comfortable. Also I suggest you have baby wipes on hand as your baby will not be wearing a nappy for the majority of their session and accidents are possible.

We will provide all the outfits and props for the newborn baby photograhy.

Also, some of the photos are done naked to capture the tininess of being a newborn.

If you’d rather have your baby clothed in the pictures something that fits them very well is important. Big clothes never look good on anyone in photos, but on babies it really looks terrible.”

Some good things to bring are pacifiers, a change of clothes for yourself (if you’re going to be in the photos holding a naked baby you might get pooped on), some extra diapers and wipes, extra formula or bottles if you are not breastfeeding.Also please have a think about any kind of prop that might have sentimental value to you and that you would like to incorporate into the images. Maybe an old family heirloom. This could be a specific blanket your grandma made or an old jewellery box that could act as a prop inside the image…anything really. Have a think about this.

A single Newborn session normally lasts around 2-3 hours. As you simply cannot direct a small newborn, we adapt to his or her schedule. So if she doesn’t want to sleep or is a bit cranky and you will need to attend to his/her needs, then that is more than ok. We will have plenty of time to capture your precious one. In the rare occasion that the session does take longer than three hours, we will need to make a decision ahead of time. Usually after 2 hours we know where we stand and how much we have managed to capture up to this point. So we can discuss whether we need another hour after the 3 hours is necessary. We will make this decision together or reschedule it.

I will do any retouching needed for the images of your newborn based on our agreements. In addition to that any basic colour enhancement and my signature look will be applied to all images. Additional retouching however will need to be charges extra at 5Euro per an image.

You will receive the high res images roughly 4-5 weeks after the session. This depends on the amount of images.I will try to get images out to you as soon as possible. However, I will provide you with one or two sneak peek images shortly after the session, so you have something to share with your family and friends immediately.

Of course, absolutely! I do encourage this even. I want you to see this photoshoot as a potential family shoot as well. Capturing the interaction of your first born with your newborn can be quite emotional and unique, so this is a very important part of my style..

I completely understand that so shortly after giving brith, you might not feel ready to have your picture taken as yet. However, I do encourage you to think about this anyways. The images in which you and your husband are interacting with your little baby can be the most precious images of them all. You might regret it afterwards not having taken any images with your child. Despite the fact I completely understand that you might feel a bit uncomfortable, I do would like to encourage you to throw on a little make-up and choose a nice outfit. We can just capture a few here and there and you will have them regardless. You might be surprised how much you grow to love them in the end.

General questions regarding Maternity session

Maternity pictures are best done between 30-34 weeks when a woman has a nice round belly, without feeling too uncomfortable yet.

It's never too early to schedule your maternity session. Sometimes, we can accomodate last minute requests, but we recommend a 4-6 week notice.

Our studio is located in Amterdam Nieuw-West.

We have a variety of different maternity dresses for you to wear to your session. You can be able to see them in person when you will come in for your pre-session consultation. However, if you choose to wear your own dress, that is fine too!

Maternity clients who also book a newborn session with me receive 50 euro off their newborn session.

See our terms and conditions, this applies to all sessions including maternity and newborn.

Connect With Us


I’m guessing you are either getting married, expecting soon, a much needed family/fashion/outdoor shoot or having a baby – all are great reasons to celebrate!

Would you like me to photograph and capture the emotions of the day? It would be my absolute pleasure.

Shall we put a date in our diaries to meet and get to know each other? I would love to hear about you and your story. Or do you just have a question? Don’t hesitate to drop me a line. I will get back to you usually within a day or two.
Your photographer and storyteller.